Author: Laurie McCabe

Free eBook Now Available: Survey Results on The Impact of COVID-19 on SMBs

Free eBook Now Available: Survey Results on The Impact of COVID-19 on SMBs

COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, is having a devastating effect on small and medium businesses (SMBs)—the engine of the U.S. economy and those around the world. But how deep and broad is the impact? SMB Group is providing answers to this question in our new, free eBook, sponsored by our partners, Acumat...

Making Work at Home Work for Your Company: Advice from Wrike’s Andrew Filev

Making Work at Home Work for Your Company: Advice from Wrike’s Andrew Filev

COVID-19 has disrupted our lives unprecedented ways. Many of us have been working under stay at home conditions for a month or more. We know the pandemic will eventually abate, but we don’t know how quickly this will happen, or how the crisis will reshape the “new” normal over time.

Measuring the Impact of Covid-19 on SMBs: Preliminary SMB Group Survey Results

Measuring the Impact of Covid-19 on SMBs: Preliminary SMB Group Survey Results

We all know from personal experience and the news that Covid-19, also known as coronavirus, is having a devastating effect on small and medium businesses (SMBs)—the engine of the U.S. economy and those around the world. But how deep and broad is the impact? We’ve sought to answer that question in a survey of over 500 SMB (1-1,000 employee businesses) and midmarket (1,000-2,500 employee busin...

How Xero is Adjusting Customer Experience in a World That’s Gone Sideways

How Xero is Adjusting Customer Experience in a World That’s Gone Sideways

We are all reeling from the impact of the coronavirus. The new normal isn’t what anyone wants—or probably could have even envisioned. What worked a few weeks ago—in our personal lives and our businesses—likely won’t work now. As I discussed in this post, all companies need to figur...

Impact of Covid-19 on SMBs Survey

Impact of Covid-19 on SMBs Survey

Today, we are all facing one of the biggest personal and business challenges of our lifetimes. As the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) epidemic spreads, we are concerned about how this is affecting small and medium businesses (SMBs), non-profits and their employees. A lot of what we do at SMB Group is market research. So we are putting this skill to use to field a

Eight Tips to Adjust to Working from Home

Eight Tips to Adjust to Working from Home

With coronavirus dominating the news and now our lives, many people are finding themselves now working from home for the first time. Whether you see this as a blessing or a curse, telecommuting is the new reality for many. I’ve worked out of my home for the last twenty-plus years, from when I was the mom of a young child through now as an empty-nester. So, I thought I’d share some of the tip...

Seven “Dos” to Manage Your Brand During the Coronavirus Crisis

Seven “Dos” to Manage Your Brand During the Coronavirus Crisis

Unless you’re in the bleach, hand sanitizer or disinfectant business, you are probably concerned about the impact that coronavirus is having on your business. Seemingly overnight, vague concerns in the U.S. about the ripple effect from China have spiraled into widespread fears. Stock prices have plunged stock and left many businesses worried about how much havoc the virus will wreak. As far ...