Category: Blog – Sanjeev Aggarwal

SAP Anywhere – Enabling SMBs to market, sell and commerce with an integrated front office solution

SAP Anywhere – Enabling SMBs to market, sell and commerce with an integrated front office solution

The retail sector has a well-earned reputation as one of the most challenging industries for participants to navigate successfully. Retailers – be they traditional brick and mortar companies, online sellers or, often, a combination of the two – must manage complex supplier relationships and inventories while also catering to the sometimes mercurial wants and needs of their end customers. For re...

Are You Keeping Pace With Your SMB Customers?

Are You Keeping Pace With Your SMB Customers?

The good new for tech vendors: SMBs are bullish on their own growth, and on using technology to help achieve that growth. The bad news: tech vendors may not be doing a good enough job helping SMBs understand, evaluate and buy the tech solutions that will best help their businesses.SMB Group recently completed our 2015 SMB Routes to Market Study, which provides an in-depth look at U.S....

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses

As the mobile-first mentality becomes more pervasive, small businesses will need more guidance to ensure that their strategies for cloud, networking, infrastructure, legacy applications and devices support, enhance and integrate with the mobile solutions they deploy.