Category: mid-market

BI and Analytics for Mid-Market Businesses: My Podcast with SAP

BI and Analytics for Mid-Market Businesses: My Podcast with SAP

I recently participated, with Paul Clark from SAP, in a thought leadership podcast on the topic of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Business Intelligence(BI) and Social Analytics for Midmarket companies. Brief Overview: We discuss the various aspects and uses of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Business Intelligence (BI), and Social Analytical tools within...

SAP TechEd 2012: Implications for SMEs and the Partner Ecosystem

Sanjeev Aggarwal, Partner, SMB Group During the week of October 15, I attended SAP TechEd 2012 in Las Vegas, along with about 6,500 SAP technology specialists and partners, and a small group of influencers. Although SAP is more widely renowned fo...

IBM’s Managed Service Provider Initiatives for Midmarket: An Interview with Mike McClurg

Here’s an edited transcript of my interview with Mike McClurg, VP of Global Midmarket Sales for IBM. [If you’d like to listen to the recorded podcast, click on the orange circle below]. [soundcloud url="" iframe="true" /] Laurie: Mike, thanks so much for joining us today. Before we dive into our conversation a...

The Technology—Performance Connection for Midmarket Businesses

In today’s always-on, hyper-connected world, technology has become a critical lynchpin for business success. Increasingly, businesses of all sizes view technology as an essential to improving customer engagement, raising employee productivity, and creating innovation and differentiation—all vital ingredients for building economic value. You don’t need to take my word for it. For the first ti...

Today’s SMB Social Media Market Creates Opportunities for Tomorrow

SMB businesses are increasing their adoption of social media solutions year over year--rising from 44% to 53% in small business (1-99 employees) and 52% to 63% in medium business (100-999 employees). But what business functions are SMBs using social media for, and what social media tools are they using in different areas? Just released results from the SMB Group’s