Category: mobile solutions

SMB Spotlight: IBM’s Midmarket GM On New Partner Strategy and Programs for SMB and Midmarket Companies (Part 2)

Sanjeev: Hi, this Sanjeev Aggarwal from the SMB Group, and in today’s SMB Spotlight I’m speaking with John Mason, who is IBM’s General Manager for Midmarket. Hi John. Thanks for joining me in this two-part discussion about new IBM developments and solutions that are relevant for the

SMB Mobile Adoption Disrupts Traditional IT Habits and Spending

SMB Mobile Adoption Disrupts Traditional IT Habits and Spending

We just published SMB Group’s 2014 SMB Mobile Solutions Study. The survey, which is our fourth annual study in this area, reveals many interesting findings about  how U.S. SMBs are using mobile solutions in their businesses. For instance, A growing majority of SMBs now rega...

Microsoft Lumia 1520: A Millennial Perspective

A few weeks ago, Microsoft asked me if I wanted to check out the Lumia 1520. Although I’m a long-time iPhone user, I thought, why not? It’s always good to see if there is something better out there.  Unfortunately, once I got the phone, it seemed like I never had the time to really put it through its paces. Luckily, my 20-year old son, Tyler McCabe (@tyccabe) who is enter...