Category: mobile website

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses

As the mobile-first mentality becomes more pervasive, small businesses will need more guidance to ensure that their strategies for cloud, networking, infrastructure, legacy applications and devices support, enhance and integrate with the mobile solutions they deploy.

Mobility for SMBs: An Interview with Dell’s Ron Hyde

I recently had a chance to talk to Ron Hyde an Enterprise Technologist from Dell, who has a strong background in mobile management and security, to get his perspective on what SMBs need to be thinking about as they mobilize their businesses. If you’d like to listen to the recorded podcast, click the link below. [soundcloud url="" params="auto...

Top Customer-Facing Mobile Apps for SMBs Today–and the Trajectory for Tomorrow

How are SMBs using mobile solutions to interact with their customers, suppliers and partners? What are top mobile apps that SMBs offer for their external customers, partners and supplier to use? Just as important, what mobile applications are they planning to deploy? We found out in our recently completed SMB Group

The Yin and Yang of Mobile Applications For SMBs

What are SMBs top business challenges, and how well do mobile solutions help them meet these challenges? Interestingly, that depends on whether you’re asking them about the benefits of having their employees use internal mobile apps, or the value of offering mobile apps and mobile-friendly web sites for external customers, partners and suppliers to use. We asked more than 750 SMB (small busine...