Category: Mobility

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses

As the mobile-first mentality becomes more pervasive, small businesses will need more guidance to ensure that their strategies for cloud, networking, infrastructure, legacy applications and devices support, enhance and integrate with the mobile solutions they deploy.

SAP TechEd 2012: Implications for SMEs and the Partner Ecosystem

Sanjeev Aggarwal, Partner, SMB Group During the week of October 15, I attended SAP TechEd 2012 in Las Vegas, along with about 6,500 SAP technology specialists and partners, and a small group of influencers. Although SAP is more widely renowned fo...

Mobility for SMBs: An Interview with Dell’s Ron Hyde

I recently had a chance to talk to Ron Hyde an Enterprise Technologist from Dell, who has a strong background in mobile management and security, to get his perspective on what SMBs need to be thinking about as they mobilize their businesses. If you’d like to listen to the recorded podcast, click the link below. [soundcloud url="" params="auto...