Category: Small Business Software

What Are Integrated Payment Solutions and Why Should You Care?

(Originally published January 30, 2011 in Small Business Computing) What are Integrated Payments Solutions? Integrated payment solutions are tools that your business can use to integrate accounting, customer relationship manag...

Are You Ready to Move Beyond Email? Assessing Online Collaboration Suites for SMBs

(Part 1 of a 3 part blog series "Are You Ready to Move Beyond Email?" which focuses on Online Collaboration Suites for SMBs) Collaboration is probably the only activity that everyone in every company engages in every day. Whether a CEO or new hire, an accountant or a construction worker, everyone needs to share and manage information, ideas, resources, and connections to get their job...

What is Business Intelligence, and Why Should You Care?

(Originally published on July 30, 2010 in Small Business Computing) What is Business Intelligence? Business intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term used to encompass the processes, methods, measureme...

What is Social Networking, and Why Should You Care?

(Originally published in Small Business Computing, April 7, 2009) Technology insiders tend to throw around technical terms and business jargon, assuming people outside the industry understand what it all means. By its nature, technology vocabulary is often confusing and complicated, and insiders often add to t...