Category: Small Business
VerticalResponse: Taking the Guesswork Out of Email Marketing and Social Media for Small Businesses
Laurie: Hi, this is Laurie McCabe from the SMB Gro...
The Elance Engine: Helping SMBs Fill the Skills Gap
Laurie: Hi, this is Laurie McCabe from the SMB Group and today I’m ta...
NYEXPO Panel: Using Technology to Drive Innovation & GROW Your Business
Thanks to all of you who came to our panel yesterday at NYEXPO, Using Technology to Drive Innovation & GROW Your Business,
Today’s SMB Social Media Market Creates Opportunities for Tomorrow
SMB businesses are increasing their adoption of social media solutions year over year--rising from 44% to 53% in small business (1-99 employees) and 52% to 63% in medium business (100-999 employees). But what business functions are SMBs using social media for, and what social media tools are they using in different areas? Just released results from the SMB Group’s
Solving the SMB Social Media Marketing Conundrum
The SMB Group’s latest survey, 2012 Small and Medium Social Business Study, examines how and why small and medium businesses (SMB) are using social media in their businesses today. The study also provides trending analysis based on comparison wi...
SAP Business One, Chapter Two: Raising the Small Business Bar
In the world of SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions for small and medium businesses (SMBs), SAP Business One is sometimes overshadowed by SAP Business All-in-One (BAiO), which has SAP’s large enterprise ERP at its core, and by and SAP Business ByDesign, which is SAP’s first software-a...
SMB Tech Tidbits: Focus on Social Collaboration!
This week I had a chance to attend the 2012 Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston, which focuses on social business and collaboration solutions. This edition of Tech Tidbits features a roundup of some of the more interesting collaboration and social apps aimed squarely at small and medium businesses (SMBs) that I was able to speak with at the show. ...
Tech Tidbits for SMBs: Yahoo! Marketing Dashboard and InsideView
While it's tempting to paint the "SMB market" with one broad-brush stroke, the term actually represents very fragmented terrain. You can slice ...