Co-authored by: Sanjeev Aggarwal and Laurie...
Category: Small Business
What Are Integrated Payment Solutions and Why Should You Care?
(Originally published January 30, 2011 in Small Business Computing) What are Integrated Payments Solutions? Integrated payment solutions are tools that your business can use to integrate accounting, customer relationship manag...
SMB Mobile Spending Trends from SMB Group’s 2010 Mobile Solutions Study
As part of the recently completed SMB Group study "2010 Small and Medium Business Mobile Solutions Study," we performed a detailed analysis of U.S. small and medium business (SMB) spending on mobile devices, applications, and services. As explained in this study, SMBs (1-999 emplo...
Dell’s New Vostro 3000 Laptops: Designed for Small Businesses
The realities of a lingering recession and a do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos continue to frame today's economic climate. As entrepreneurs and small businesses went into financial shock beginning in mid-2008, they hunkered down and made do with older laptops (the dominant computing platform for these businesses) and other hardware instead of spending precious cash on new equipment. But with hints of ...