Category: SMB strategy

SMB Tech Tidbits: Focus on Social Collaboration!

SMB Tech Tidbits: Focus on Social Collaboration!

This week I had a chance to attend the 2012 Enterprise 2.0 conference  in Boston, which focuses on social business and collaboration solutions. This edition of Tech Tidbits features a roundup of some of the more interesting collaboration and social apps aimed squarely at small and medium businesses (SMBs) that I was able to speak with at the show. ...

Sage’s Rebranding: More than a Name Change

Love it or hate it, the first results of Sage North America’s brand transformation strategy have started rolling out in North America. Sage North America CEO Pascal Houilon announced the rebranding initiative last year, which aims to strengthen Sage’s brand--especially in North America (link to last years blog). The initiative is designed to address the fact that while many ind...

Dell 2.0: A Progress Report from Dell’s 2012 Annual Analyst Conference

I’ve been tracking and writing about Dell since the late 1990s, when Dell was riding high on its success in essentially reinventing the PC and x86 markets with its direct and efficient supply chain model. Over the years, I have watched Dell go through several fits and starts as it struggled to move past its traditional hardware and product-centric comfort zone. Fast forward to...

Host Analytics’ New Twist on an Old Problem: Connecting CPM and Siloed Data in Midsize Companies

Host Analytics, which provides cloud-based corporate performance management (CPM) software, recently launched Business Analytics, a new business intelligence toolkit designed to give finance departments in midsize companies a more comprehensive view of their businesses--without having to deploy an enterprise BI suite. With this announcement, Host Analytics is giving companies a new, pragmatic ...

Top Customer-Facing Mobile Apps for SMBs Today–and the Trajectory for Tomorrow

How are SMBs using mobile solutions to interact with their customers, suppliers and partners? What are top mobile apps that SMBs offer for their external customers, partners and supplier to use? Just as important, what mobile applications are they planning to deploy? We found out in our recently completed SMB Group

The Yin and Yang of Mobile Applications For SMBs

What are SMBs top business challenges, and how well do mobile solutions help them meet these challenges? Interestingly, that depends on whether you’re asking them about the benefits of having their employees use internal mobile apps, or the value of offering mobile apps and mobile-friendly web sites for external customers, partners and suppliers to use. We asked more than 750 SMB (small busine...

YouDazzle: Where Cloud Collaboration Meets Network Marketing

In SMB Group studies, small business decision-makers consistently put colleagues, friends and family at or near the top of the list as key sources for advice when it comes to selecting technology solutions for their businesses (Figure 1). Figure 1: Who SMBs Turn to for Guidance About Technology Solutions

Dell Extends its End-to-End Storage Story for SMBs

Storage is a key requirement for today's small-to-medium business (SMB) and mid-market enterprises. As the amount of data multiplies, and the need to protect critical data grows, SMBs now require many of the same data storage capabilities as larger enterprises. With these requirements in mind, Dell recently announced the ac...