Category: SMB strategy

GreenRope Brings New AI Features to Its Unified CRM Platform

I was initially introduced to GreenRope CRM in 2021. I interviewed its founder and CEO,  Lars Helgeson, about the company’s focus on sustainability and its unified platform for sales, marketing, and operations in this blog. In fact, the GreenRope brand name reflects this strategy— “green” is revenue and sustainability, and “rope” underscores the company’s premise […]
Sustainability Matters: ESG Trends and Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses

Sustainability Matters: ESG Trends and Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies and programs are now common practice for most large, publicly traded corporations. Despite recent efforts to politicize ESG, these companies are staying the course — and for good reason: The ranks of socially conscious customers, employees, and investors are on the rise—and these stakeholders want to do business with […]
Zoho Expands Its Ambitions On Multiple Fronts

Zoho Expands Its Ambitions On Multiple Fronts

After a four-year hiatus due to COVID-19, Zoho’s Zoholics event was back in Austin, TX the first week of May, featuring an analyst track that I attended. The dominant takeaway is that Zoho, which already sells more than 60 business applications in 160-plus countries, is expanding on multiple fronts. The company is doubling down in […]
New Report Reveals How Key Trends and Challenges are Impacting Financial Management

New Report Reveals How Key Trends and Challenges are Impacting Financial Management

What are the key trends and challenges that SMB financial professionals are facing, and how are they impacting business and financial management practices? These are the questions we explore in this new report, 2023 State of Finance Automation: SMB Financial Management Insights & Trends. The insights in the report are based on BILL’s State of […]
Dell’s New APEX Managed Device Service: A Game Changer for SMBs

Dell’s New APEX Managed Device Service: A Game Changer for SMBs

Finding, hiring, and retaining quality IT people is a struggle for many small and medium businesses (SMBs) with 1 to 499 employees. The situation is most severe at the low end. In businesses with fewer than 20 employees, 47% say that they have no formal IT support, and 22% report that non-IT staff look after […]
All You Have to Do Is Pour Over Ice: How Uncle Tim’s Cocktails is Redefining the Home Bar with Financial Insights from Xero

All You Have to Do Is Pour Over Ice: How Uncle Tim’s Cocktails is Redefining the Home Bar with Financial Insights from Xero

By SMB Group’s Kelly Teal, Contributing Analyst, and Laurie McCabe, Co-founder Sometimes you just want to enjoy a few cocktails with friends. Then, before you know it, your hobby turns into a business. At least, that’s the case for Timothy Felkner, CEO of Uncle Tim’s Cocktails, a Denver-based company that sells boutique-grade, ready-made alcoholic drinks, […]
New Infographic from SMB Group: SMB Pathways to Sustainability

New Infographic from SMB Group: SMB Pathways to Sustainability

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations have become ubiquitous for large, publicly traded corporations. But how important are sustainability initiatives for small and medium businesses (SMBs), and what policies and practices are they putting in place in this area? In our new infographic, SMB Pathways to Sustainability, we provide insights on SMB attitudes, practices, and […]
SMB Business and Technology Challenges and Priorities for 2023: New eBook from SMB Group

SMB Business and Technology Challenges and Priorities for 2023: New eBook from SMB Group

2022 was a turbulent year for SMBs—and this turbulence is continuing into 2023. Even as many challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic recede, others, including inflation and recession, have become top SMB concerns. Amidst this ongoing uncertainty, SMB Group examines U.S. SMBs’ challenges and priorities for 2023 in our SMB Business and Technology Priorities for […]
2023 Top 10 SMB Technology Trends from SMB Group

2023 Top 10 SMB Technology Trends from SMB Group

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holidays, and are looking forward to a happy and healthy 2023. Here at SMB Group, we are ringing in the new year by sharing our annual SMB Group Top 10 SMB Technology Trends, required reading both for SMBs (small and medium businesses), and for the vendors that serve […]
How New Zoho Desk Capabilities Help SMBs Address Customer Service Priorities

How New Zoho Desk Capabilities Help SMBs Address Customer Service Priorities

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) and mid-market businesses are always cost-conscious. So, it’s not surprising that in uncertain economic conditions, they rank controlling and reducing costs as their top business concern for 2023. However, while they need to rein in costs, SMBs must also invest in growth. Customer-related challenges—attracting new business, improving satisfaction and retention, […]