Category: Top 10

Top Ten 2022 SMB Technology Trends From SMB Group

Top Ten 2022 SMB Technology Trends From SMB Group

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holidays, and are looking forward to a happy and healthy 2022. Here at SMB Group, we are ringing in the new year by sharing our annual SMB Group Top 10 SMB Technology Trends–required reading both for SMBs (small and medium businesses), and for the ve...

Top 10 2021 SMB Technology Trends–Available Now!

Top 10 2021 SMB Technology Trends–Available Now!

The year 2020 has shattered the record book for change. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned things upside down in all aspects of our lives. In the blink of an eye, small and medium businesses (SMBs) were thrust into a vortex of challenges, the likes of which they’d never seen before. Sadly, these hurdles have been too steep for some SMBs to overcome. But as the status quo vanishes...