Category: Uncategorized

2013 SMB Mobile Attitudes and Challenges

The rapid rise of mobile in the consumer space is accelerating the explosive growth of mobile solutions in the business world. Businesses recognize that mobile solutions can empower employees to be more productive and responsive to customers. Likewise, they realize that providing mobile solutions to customers, partners and suppliers is vital to improving customer experiences and fueling busines...

Will Actian Connect, Analyze and Act on the SMB Market Opportunity?

After marking my calendar to attend Pervasive’s 2013 Integration World, I had to wonder whether or not Actian’s pending acquisition of Pervasive would be a done deal–or not–by April 14, when the conference was due to kick off. After all, I figured that if things were still up in the air, I’d probably leave with more questions than answers. Although it seemed pretty clear to me that the combine...

Infusionsoft: Big Dreams for Small Business

Infusionsoft: Big Dreams for Small Business Last week I attended InfusionCon 2013, Infusionsoft’s annual user event. In case you’re not familiar with Infusionsoft, they provide web-based all-in-one sales, marketing and ecommerce software aimed at “true” small businesses with 25 or fewer employees.

BI and Analytics for Mid-Market Businesses: My Podcast with SAP

BI and Analytics for Mid-Market Businesses: My Podcast with SAP

I recently participated, with Paul Clark from SAP, in a thought leadership podcast on the topic of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Business Intelligence(BI) and Social Analytics for Midmarket companies. Brief Overview: We discuss the various aspects and uses of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Business Intelligence (BI), and Social Analytical tools within...

Mobility for SMBs: An Interview with Dell’s Ron Hyde

I recently had a chance to talk to Ron Hyde an Enterprise Technologist from Dell, who has a strong background in mobile management and security, to get his perspective on what SMBs need to be thinking about as they mobilize their businesses. If you’d like to listen to the recorded podcast, click the link below. [soundcloud url="" params="auto...

Host Analytics’ New Twist on an Old Problem: Connecting CPM and Siloed Data in Midsize Companies

Host Analytics, which provides cloud-based corporate performance management (CPM) software, recently launched Business Analytics, a new business intelligence toolkit designed to give finance departments in midsize companies a more comprehensive view of their businesses--without having to deploy an enterprise BI suite. With this announcement, Host Analytics is giving companies a new, pragmatic ...

Is Your Midsize Business Ready to Change Before You Have To? Gearing Up for the New Marketing

In conjunction with IBM's Smarter Commerce initiative, the SMB Group and CRM Essentials are working on a series of posts discussing how technology is empowering today's customer, and why companies have to change their approach in order to build strong relationships with them. This is the sixth post in...