What Does an SMB Work-from-Home Laptop Look Like?

What Does an SMB Work-from-Home Laptop Look Like?

The practice of working from home has skyrocketed in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, as companies told their employees to stay home to comply with the widespread quarantine and social-distancing requirements. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have had to coordinate a sudden and massive migration to work from home (WFH) for almost all of their employees, using collaboration tools in ways that ...

What We Know: Preparing for the Next Normal

What We Know: Preparing for the Next Normal

The adage that “the only constant is change” has never seemed more relevant than today. In the past three months, COVID-19 has disrupted any notion of “business as usual.” However, we were already in the midst of another, very transformative change before COVID-19. Whether you call it a digital revolution, digital transformation, the information era, or something else, its become obvious tha...

Building Culture and Collaboration for the Next Normal: Join Us on LinkedIn Live

Building Culture and Collaboration for the Next Normal: Join Us on LinkedIn Live

Mark your calendars for what I’m sure will be a lively LinkedIn Live session on Tuesday, June 2! Register here, details are below. The trend towards work from home (WFM) had already been rising prior to COVID-19. According to Flexjobs, it rose 44% in the past 5 years. With COVID-19, ...

How HubSpot Is Recalibrating Customer, Partner and Employee Experience

How HubSpot Is Recalibrating Customer, Partner and Employee Experience

COVID-19 has disrupted “business as usual” for companies of all sizes and shapes. As the initial shock and awe start to subside, business decision-makers must figure out how they need to adjust customer, partner and employee engagement strategies amidst ongoing uncertainty.

Dell Technologies Rolls Out Financial Assistance for Partners and Customers

Dell Technologies Rolls Out Financial Assistance for Partners and Customers

Adequate cash flow is always crucial to business sustainability—and even more important in the face of COVID-19 and the havoc it is wreaking on businesses and individuals. Dell Technologies recently announced $9 billion in special financing to help its partners to weather this storm. Many of Dell’s partners are small and medium businesses (SMBs) themselves—and many more provide sales and sup...

Striven Strives for Success in the Small Business Management Cloud Software Market

Striven Strives for Success in the Small Business Management Cloud Software Market

Building market momentum for a new business management ERP-type of solution is never easy, even in good times. These days, its particularly challenging. But that hasn’t stopped Striven, which provides a fully integrated all-in-one software system for small businesses, from moving ahead. Below is my conversation with Scott Hammer, Marketing Manager of Str...

Paving a Path to Digital Transformation for Your Business

Paving a Path to Digital Transformation for Your Business

More than 80% of small and medium business decision-makers agree or strongly agree that digital technology is impacting their businesses and industries. But as we discussed in this post, getting started on the path to digital transformation isn’t easy: only 24% of SMBs are cu...

Making Work at Home Work for Your Company: Advice from Wrike’s Andrew Filev

Making Work at Home Work for Your Company: Advice from Wrike’s Andrew Filev

COVID-19 has disrupted our lives unprecedented ways. Many of us have been working under stay at home conditions for a month or more. We know the pandemic will eventually abate, but we don’t know how quickly this will happen, or how the crisis will reshape the “new” normal over time.