Tag: cloud

The Cloud Comes Full Circle: Sage and Salesforce Team Up For Sage Life

The Cloud Comes Full Circle: Sage and Salesforce Team Up For Sage Life

The partnership brings together opposite ends of the software universe. It pairs Salesforce, pioneer and poster child for the cloud, with Sage, which has arguably been one of the slowest software vendors to embrace cloud computing.

Discussing 2015 SMB Tech Trends, Part 1: Cloud is the New IT Infrastructure for SMBs

Discussing 2015 SMB Tech Trends, Part 1: Cloud is the New IT Infrastructure for SMBs

Recently, I had the pleasure of kicking off the new year as a guest on Act Local Marketing for Small Business with host Kalynn Amadio. Each week, Kalynn shares information and actionable tips to help inspire and motivate small and medium businesses (SMBs) reach their business goals.  On this episode,...

Slide Show Version! SMB Group’s Top 10 SMB Tech Trends for 2015

(Originally published on the SMB Group website and available here in .pdf format). Here are SMB Group’s Top 10 SMB Technology Trends for 2015 in slide show format! [slideshare id=43259113&doc=smbgroup-top10smbtechtrend...

Dell’s Strategy to Bring Game-Changing Technologies to SMBs

Dell’s Strategy to Bring Game-Changing Technologies to SMBs

This is the second post in a two-part blog series discussing Dell’s strategy to help SMBs better capitalize on technology. The first, A New Cloud Formation: Dell Cloud Marketplace, provides perspectives from Dell World 2014. This second post, which is excerpted from SMB Group's April 2014 repo...

A New Cloud Formation: Dell Cloud Marketplace

A New Cloud Formation: Dell Cloud Marketplace

This is part one of a two-part blog series discussing Dell's strategy to help SMBs better capitalize on technology. This first post provides perspectives from Dell World 2014. The second post, Dell's Strategy to Provide Game Changing Technologies to SMBs, provides a detailed glimpse into Dell's approach in the SMB market.

Intacct Collaborate: Bringing Sales and Finance Together

This video interview was originally posted on SMB Group Spotlight.  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3oDggLhOw4&w=425&h=350] Laurie: Hi, this is Laurie McCabe from SMB Group and today I’m here on the SMB Spotlight at Salesforce’s Dreamforce 2014 Conference.  I’m ta...