“…as Dell and its partners mature together and IoT use cases become even more repeatable, we can develop focused solution bundles complete with sensors, infrastructure and software.”
Tag: Dell

Dell’s IoT Strategy and Partner Programs: Part One
“IoT is still in the buzz cycle…It’s early in terms of what it represents…we think the IoT market is too immature for the typical partner program approach where partners pay fees.”

Using Cloud Analytics to Make Big Data Actionable For SMBs
“Big data” is a big buzzword in the IT i...

Making The Internet of Things Real For SMBs
The World Wide Web became commercially viable 20 years ago, and it quickly became clear that the phrase “The Interne...

Coming Full Circle: Small Business and the Circular Economy
How can you put the circular economy approach to benefit the environment and your business? See our tips here!

Reimagining Business: The Circular Economy
By recycling products, components, untapped resources and materials back into relevant value chains, a circular economy enables economic growth with less wasted resources. It reduces toxic waste in dumps and landfills, and helps address the problem of the increasingly scarce supply and growing costs of raw materials.

Mobile Solutions Play a Big Role in Small Businesses
As the mobile-first mentality becomes more pervasive, small businesses will need more guidance to ensure that their strategies for cloud, networking, infrastructure, legacy applications and devices support, enhance and integrate with the mobile solutions they deploy.

Trends in Small Business Adoption of Mobile Solutions
Mobile technology is revolutionizing how small businesses get things done. Over the last few years, SMB Group has conducted detailed surveys to quantify the impact of mobile in the small business market. Having recently published our 2014 SMB Mobile Solutions Study, we thought the timing was righ...

My Top 10 Posts from 2014
Wow, December really came quickly this year! So I figured that I would post my most popular blogs from 2014 now,...

Dell’s Strategy to Bring Game-Changing Technologies to SMBs
This is the second post in a two-part blog series discussing Dell’s strategy to help SMBs better capitalize on technology. The first, A New Cloud Formation: Dell Cloud Marketplace, provides perspectives from Dell World 2014. This second post, which is excerpted from SMB Group's April 2014 repo...