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Tag: integration

Does Salesforce’s Refreshed SMB Strategy Add Up?
Salesforce hosted its second annual Analyst Summit last week. This year’s format was much more engaging and interactive format than last year, sparking lots of interesting questions and discussions among analysts and the Sal...

My Top Posts From 2015
Seems like we blinked and its already 2016! I hope your New Year is off to a great start. Here are my most popular blogs from 2015. Thank you again for reading and commenting on them. And please let m...
Slide Show Version! SMB Group’s Top 10 SMB Tech Trends for 2015
(Originally published on the SMB Group website and available here in .pdf format). Here are SMB Group’s Top 10 SMB Technology Trends for 2015 in slide show format! [slideshare id=43259113&doc=smbgroup-top10smbtechtrend...

SMB Group Top 10 SMB Technology Trends for 2015
(Originally published on the SMB Group website and available here in .pdf format). Here are SMB Group’s Top 10 SMB Technology Trends for 2015! A more detailed description of each follows below. (Note: SMB Group is the s...

How Scribe Software Solves the Integration Puzzle for SMBs
This video interview was originally posted on SMB Group Spotlight. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7IjqXwAO8A&w=425&h=350] Laurie: Hi, this is Laurie McCabe here with the SMB Group Spotlight and today I’m talking to Peter Chase, who is the founder and executive Vice President for Bus...

My Top 10 Posts from 2014
Wow, December really came quickly this year! So I figured that I would post my most popular blogs from 2014 now,...

SuiteWorld 2014: NetSuite Hits Its Stride
I recently had the opportunity to attend SuiteWorld 2014, NetSuite’s annual user conference—along with about 6,500 attendees including customers...

Cloud Is The New Normal for SMBs—But Integration Isn’t
SMB Group recently wrapped up our “2014 Small and Medium Business Routes to Market Study,” in which we looked how U.S. SMB technology adoption and the buying cycle in ten key solution areas, as shown below.